Christina Goestl, artist
wizard [at]
»Cosmic Wool«
46, Sedef Hatapkapulu in conversation with..., Mine Art Gallery, Istanbul Toy Museum, 13. Feb. - 28. March 2025
26 drawings, photo print, 29.7 x 21cm, 2020, Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
Photons, Wien 2022
Video, 4:55 min, colour, sound by Boris Kopeinig, English/Deutsch 2013
@ HTMLles festival 2024, Ada X @ GIV, Montréal, May
Still: CGoestl/Bildrecht
Montréal 2024 _ MI, USA 2023 _ Valencia 2018 _ GRAF+ZYX 2014 _ reheat 2013
»Orgasm. On the flux and flow of a term through times and spaces«
A video essay, 23 min, with an annotated text version, 2023
@ GLAD! Revue sur le Langage, le Genre, les Sexualités
Linguistique féministe: Perspectives internationales, Spring 2024
Talking Bodies, An international, interdisciplinary conference on identity, sexuality and representation, Chester, UK, 2023 _ beta presentation: From unruliness to collective action. Resisting norms on gender and sexuality in the media, Arnheim, 2022
another acoustic extravaganza
»The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose.*« audio paper, 7 min, 2022
REVERB: Echo-Locations of Sound and Space, SpokenWeb Symposium, Edmonton, Canada,
2023 _
Sounding Research, Wien/Salzburg, 2022
»Clitoral Matter: On the Politics of Sexual Pleasures in Western European Cultures«
The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sexuality and Culture, ed. by Emma Rees, London: Routledge, 2022 [relations:
»Clitonics« _
»Clitoris Design« _
»Clitoplastic Ball« _
»Clitoris 'o' ressa«]
»o.T. (Chute Montmorency, Quebec, Kanata)«
Photo print, acrylic glass, oak frame, 100.8 x 57.9 cm, 2014/2020
frühling, Wien 2020
Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
3-D Print, ABS Thermoplastic, 328 × 242 × 222 mm, Sound, 2008
Berlin 2017_ Montreal 2014 _ Wien 2011 _ Krems 2010 _ Utrecht 2009 _ Bremen 2008
Installation view, Utrecht 2009, Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
»Clitoris Design«
Berlin 2017 _ Wien 2006 _
Pička, pussy. Sisters Are Doing it for Themselves, Celje 2006 _ Luxembourg 2005 _ Lund 2003 _ Bremen 2003 _ 1999
»All Sexes Welcome«
Audiovisual Performance and Recording, Video, Colour, Sound, 20 min | Installation
Barcelona 2017 _ donaufestival 2011 _ Ve.Sch Wien 2011
Ars Santa Mónica, Barcelona 2017, installation view. Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
Video, Colour, Sound, 3:36 min, 1998/2017
San Francisco 2017 _ Berlin 2017 _ GRAF+ZYX 2015 _ Riga 2007 _ Wien 1998
visionXsound 2015. Photo: GRAF+ZYX/Bildrecht
»Lehnen | Leaning«
Performance with luster terminals on iron bars and neopren mask
Bremen 2017
Catalog p. 152-153: Debatterie!, thealit 2018
»Schwärmen | Swarming«
Installation with alligator clips
Bremen, 2017
Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
»SEX – you can’t make it unpopular, a positive guide«
web art 1997–2006 | restored offline version 2016
Sex in Vienna – Desire. Control. Transgression, Wien Museum Karlsplatz 2016/17
Installation view, Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
»Shift, Whole Body Experience Fragments«
Audiovisual live set and installation, Sound by Boris Kopeinig, Colour, 9:38 min
Kunstraum NÖ, Wien 2015 _ Kunstraum Innsbruck 2013 _ Theater Hamakom, Wien 2012
Still: CGoestl/Bildrecht
»Sinken, fallen, landen. Drei Versuche«
Video, Sound, 3:25 min, 2015
visionXsound, GRAF+ZYX 2016
Still: CGoestl/Bildrecht
Video, 2:50 min, Sound: Dark Animals by Chra
GRAF+ZYX 2014 _ Kunstraum Innsbruck 2008 _ female:pressure DVD1 2008 _ MAK Wien 2008
Flyer, female:pressure party at Flex, 2008, CGoestl
»Dr. Noodle«
Video, Colour, Sound, 3:11 min, 2014
Wien 2014
Still: CGoestl
»Rotes Licht, Sound und eine Erzählung«
Performance with Boris Kopeinig
5 Minuten Wegzeit – 25 Meter Schaufenster, Studio Steinbrener/Dempf, Wien 2014
»Clitoplastic Ball«
360° Fulldome Video, Sound, Loop
NWEAMO Festival San Diego 2014 _ Wien 2013
Content Art, iSphere, Karlsplatz Wien 2013, Photo: CGoestl/Bildrecht
Publications 2013
»Body, Code, Electro Ocean«
160 pages, 130 ill., 16,5 x 23,5 cm, open binding, Text: English/German, ISBN 978-3-86895-289-6
»Coco Mattrosa Multiverse«
496 pages with drawings, 16,5 x 23,5 cm, ISBN 978-3-86895-290-2
Midi controlled Processing Script for Live Visuals, sample with sound, 2010
»Zimt -sxgy«
Video, Colour, 7:28 min, Sound: Selenga by Electric Indigo - Siberia EP, [indigo:inc], distributed by Hard Wax, digital release: zero'', Berlin 2009 _
Wien 2010
Montage: CGoestl/Bildrecht
»s.EXE interactives«
An image driven visual interface device — visual cut-ups in real time.
female:pressure in japan tour 2009 _ Biennale Venezia 2009_ MAK Wien 2008 _ temp~festival 2008 _ Barcelona 2008 _ München 2008 _
Geheimsache Leben, Wien 2005 _ Wien 2002 _ Hamburg 2001 _ Ars Electronica 2001
s.exe -play, female:pressure dvd1 MAK nite, Sound by Chra, 2008, Still: CGoestl/Bildrecht
infrasemantic sensory modulation: sampling and re-associating (s)language
A cooperation with Boris Kopeinig
Donaufestival 2010 _ MAK Nite 2009 _ Linz 09 _ Kunstraum Innsbruck 2008 _ Wien 2004-2007
Donaufestival 2010, Photo: Helmut Lackinger
light oscillations
sakog 2009 _ rhiz 2010
Data Space Fragements, Digital Videoloop
Installation at Salon Projektionist, Wien 2008
»o.T. (Kursierende Cursor, Character Code Kontakt)«
Space Impulses, Digital Videoloop, DVD
Installation at Vport Museumsquartier, Wien 2008 _ Greylight Projects NL 2017
»Viva la Vulva !i!i!i!«
Animated GIF, Flyer, Videoloops with sound by Boris Kopeinig
Ljubljana 2008 _ Ribnica 2008 _ 1998
Ljubljana 2008, installation view, Photo: Franz Thalmair
Interactive Website Interface, text based, multi-layered, 1998 - 2005
»Clitoris 'o' ressa«
Collectively Collected Clitoris Code, Web Art, 2002 tbc.,,, 1995–1997
animated GIF, 1997
»round'n'round«, 1996
hybrid, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT) 1996
»crash«, recursive frame structure, 1996
hybrid, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (AT) 1996
»kagran on the go«
cyberspace, virtual reality, arcade games, MUDs, 1995
Making full use of the approximately 23 tags available for webdesign in 1995, luxuriously including two videoclips.
By invitation of C@C computer aided curating, a project initiated by Eva Grubinger. Developed at, hosted by Digitale Stadt Berlin, presented at ART Frankfurt, Depot - Art and Discussion, Wien, and Ars Electronica, Linz.
»My Last Video (Tape)«
U-Matic Video, 27 sec, Sound: Lydia Lunch and Diamanda Galas, 1994
Den Haag 1994
Still: CGoestl
Portfolio upon request.
Christina Goestl
wizard [at]
Dance on !i!i!
Winter 2024